Monday, July 9, 2012

Just asked

It's after 9 and a certain three-year-old should be in bed, but I hear him at the bottom of the steps.

Me: John what are you doing?
J: Is Daddy a doctor, Mommy?
Me: Yes.
J: Where does he deliver babies? In a delivery truck?

We've repeatedly read a book from the library about delivery trucks, forklifts, and cranes. He's trying to figure out how this world works.

Before we headed to the neighbors for birthday cake, I told John he'd meet the nanny's husband.
J: What's his name, Mommy?
Me: His name is Thad.
J: What does he do?
Me: He's going to be a doctor.
J: (With skepticism) Why does he want to do that?

Bahaha! I told him what John said and he admits he asks himself the same question.

We've taught John a few songs that we sing most weeks in church--the doxology and the gloria patri. Here's a transcript of his version of the doxology:

Praise God from who mall blessings flow....


  1. i love hearing (reading) these funny thoughts/questions!! such fun glimpses into the minds of kids!

  2. So cute! Hope you all are doing well!
