With a toddler and a newborn, life around our house is usually busy. This Christmas season hasn't been much different than any other time--we have our routines, our errands, our meals; I do laundry, get together with friends, and try to make our home a happy place. (Husband) John has been at work this week, but his lighter schedule has meant he's been home earlier than usual. He's working on labor and delivery this weekend, so his days will be busier, but he always enjoys his work. My work involves a lot of laundry, reading books, building towers, interpreting, and baby holding. I can't complain! (I manage to, but I really shouldn't!) The things that have been out of the ordinary I captured on camera.
John colors with markers for the first time. They still end up in his mouth, but spend more time on paper than crayons. We are both pleased!
I get my first taste of "Some Assembly Required." I think the fun is just getting started in that department!
Who has the cutest wrapping helper? I do.
Our work is complete! Thanks to Cousin Lu's sewing, the presents are wrapped quickly and are ready to be opened.