Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Spring photo dump

I know I'm going to regret not writing more things down lately. William has been talking for months, but I've neglected to write down his growing vocabulary. John is singing the alphabet song and can throw a ball like no other 3-year old I've seen. Yesterday, I had the privilege of William taking a nap in my arms. These are the most important things--I pray God gives me eyes to see all the moments with our children as a glimpse of his perfect love. 

We are in the midst of lots of summer fun after a great trip to NC and a camping trip during (Husband) John's vacation. Here are some pictures from the spring--enjoy!

William loves to "aint"! He will sit and paint for nearly 30 minutes. A water color master! (Spoken like a true mother, huh?)

Enjoying the play set at my childhood church. William takes the big slide on his own.

Young John loves a ladder!

What a joy to swing with our boys.

Special treats at Sweetie and Mush's include using the blower until the battery dies.

Throwing rocks with Grandaddy at the Montreat park.

William the Adventurer is happy to play in the creek despite the freezing cold temperatures!

The boys chat behind the tent. Young John can often be heard saying, "Let me show you something" multiple times a day!

John and John enjoying the view--after a 1.25 mile hike...up hill...with four small children in tow!

Super Dad! John carried William on his back the entire time, and young John hitches a ride on his shoulders as we hike down.

Young John gets a big bed! He loves his "car blanket" and we often find him on sleeping soundly on top of it at night. (Husband) John happily lays him on his pillow and under the covers.

John comforts William who is so sad about Brother's new bed and the fact that he can't climb up on his own.

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