Friday, October 7, 2011

Pray for Theo

(Theo, a couple of months ago)

Hi friends.

Sweet Theo, who I mentioned a few months ago, is still fighting for his life as he battles leukemia. Unfortunately, his transplant was delayed because his cancer is not in remission. A recent setback--an infection that isn't budging as it's being treated by four antibiotics--is adding stress and pain and delay. Pray for them--Mike, Raegan, Mallaney, Max, and Theo, his doctors and nurses--even if you're not the praying type. Here are his mother's words.

Please pray.

T has continued to run fevers and have significant pain. Infectious Disease was called back in for a consult and we are now looking into why, even though he is on four broad spectrum antibiotics, he is still running a fever. We are looking into fungal infections, as well as cellulitis in his bottom from the sores and the e coli. He had another positive culture grow out overnight, meaning we are back at the beginning of the 10-14 day wait for transfer.

Quite honestly the more that comes up, the more of a mess this becomes. The plans for transfer are in complete limbo, and could shatter if it's fungal. T needs this transplant to have a shot at life. Please pray that the tests run tomorrow would reveal treatable infections so we can get him to transplant. Please pray for reprieve from this continuous onslaught of trial. Please just pray.

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