Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas at the Harrises

With a toddler and a newborn, life around our house is usually busy. This Christmas season hasn't been much different than any other time--we have our routines, our errands, our meals; I do laundry, get together with friends, and try to make our home a happy place. (Husband) John has been at work this week, but his lighter schedule has meant he's been home earlier than usual. He's working on labor and delivery this weekend, so his days will be busier, but he always enjoys his work. My work involves a lot of laundry, reading books, building towers, interpreting, and baby holding. I can't complain! (I manage to, but I really shouldn't!) The things that have been out of the ordinary I captured on camera.

John colors with markers for the first time. They still end up in his mouth, but spend more time on paper than crayons. We are both pleased!

I get my first taste of "Some Assembly Required." I think the fun is just getting started in that department!

Who has the cutest wrapping helper? I do.

Our work is complete! Thanks to Cousin Lu's sewing, the presents are wrapped quickly and are ready to be opened.

John and John open presents and the playing begins. We've opened presents Christmas Eve for the past two years--it worked out perfectly since John was able to be at home.


More presents!

A bag of books is always appreciated by this little one. The playing stops, he hands us a book and scoots into our laps to listen. He could do this all day really.

Christmas morning we're moving slowly after a fun night with friends and driving home in the snow. When John and William are together, they both light up. In fact, William's first big smile was at his big brother.

I can't get over this handsome little boy.

John plays in the snow for the first time while William naps. As it turns out, we spent more time getting dressed than playing! (Notice that he's taken his gloves off.)

Fascinated by the snow--he repeats "'Nowing, 'nowing!" as we walk.

"Uh oh!" He asks for gloves when he gets up. After a couple more of these, we were on our way back inside with John in my arms.
This angel of the Lord is not opposed to public transportation.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Last of Our Christmas Decorations

And again, I'm reminded that taking a cake decorating class would only frustrate me. It was fun, but it was pitiful until I added the "snow" around the edges. Next year, I might order one of these:

Friday, December 17, 2010


Christmas time is here! We have had no shortage of winter weather around here, so maybe we'll have a white Christmas. (Honestly, I'm not wishing for one!) When things are busy around the house, they're really busy. But, down time is quite relaxing and this week I've used the time to relax rather than fold laundry or do other housework. Some days housework is therapeutic, other days it isn't! William has settled into a great routine, waking only once to eat and sleeping until 6:30 or later! He takes four naps a day (some days more) and John still takes two naps a day, so I get one-on-one time with each of them. A friend and I have a babysitting co-op, giving me a morning to run errands with William and a morning of having a friend over for John. It's fun to watch the two boys interact; soon I'll be watching John and William play together!

Time is certainly flying by with the addition of William. We anticipated his arrival and once he was here, Thanksgiving came and next thing I know it's December 17! (Husband) John is half-way through his intern year and we'll soon ring in the New Year as a family of four. We are thankful for this busy time in our lives--I'll grow in wisdom and it will pass all too soon!

Here are so snap shots of what we've been up to:

The house has been constructed, and yet to be decorated. Giving up nap/relaxation/get-stuff-done time to decorate it hasn't appealed to me just yet!

Our Christmas Tree! John braved the cold Sunday to pick it up for us.

Floor time with William--he doesn't like to be alone or in one place for long. He's content anywhere if someone is close by. Here he is "watching" me decorate the tree.

In progress

All decorated!

This story never gets old.

And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with fear. And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.” And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,

“Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”
Luke 2:8 - 14

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Cards

John and I have sent Christmas cards since we were married. In the past, I've shopped after-Christmas sales and purchased them at a discount to send the next year, but this year, I knew I wanted to combine them with William's birth announcement so I had to wait. I wanted to splurge and have the cards printed on nice cardstock, so I perused the web and I settled on Shutterfly. I loved this design, but there wasn't enough room for the birth announcement. I loved the simplicity of this one, but again, not enough room to type all that I wanted to say. I loved how this one showcased the picture, but I settled on this one. I love the blue ornaments on the tree! (Does anyone know where I can get a tree like that? That's what I want our Christmas tree to look like!) I've already sent our first round--they arrived before I could get my address list ready--and since Shutterfly is offering free cards for bloggers, I'll be able to send out a second round, too!

And because I have an serious love of stationery and I've been writing lots of thank you notes lately, I decided to order some cards for myself and our family. I ordered these for myself, and these for our family. It doesn't hurt that Shutterfly always has deals on their products and I have been pleased with the all the things we've purchased.

It's not too late--I'm sure Shutterfly would be happy to print some Christmas cards for you before the season ends!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sorry Mom!

Pictures of the completed project to come!