Sorry family. We've been busy! We've vacationed and visited and have a few pictures to share.
Oh William! This sweet child will eat anything, rarely complains, and the comment I hear most is "Is he always this easy-going?" The answer is yes.

Here he is, riding on my back at the orchard. We went last weekend with friends--it was my first time picking apples and peaches and our keep has been thoroughly enjoyed.
Here is John picking apples. He enjoyed all the trees and fruit. He almost took a bite of his dad's peach but then thought better of it. This child does not like to do anything he's unsure of!
William is all smiles at the beach. We had a great time at Kiawah. So much fun that we only pulled the camera out on our last full day. One moment I wished we'd captured was John and me on bicycles with the boys riding on the back in their little seats and helmets. They were precious.
If young John's trip to the beach had to be summed up in one word, it would be "dig". This child dug and dug and dug. He's been digging up flower beds all summer and he loved having the freedom to dig all he wanted on the beach. Grandaddy faithfully took John to the beach every morning. He cried for him after we'd gotten home and continues to dig in the yard.
This week I accepted a job as our church's Children's Ministry Director. We're knee-deep in recruiting for Sunday school and getting the new year underway. I also committed to keeping our neighbor's 2-month old Esther while her dad goes to class and does his schoolwork. We are so grateful for our neighbors and I hope I haven't added too much to my plate! John and William love Esther and thank goodness infants sleep so much!